Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bonjour Mon Ami! from Paris

Paris, France
We got to Paris from Essen (Dortmund last game) on a first class train. We bought it that way because we were force to it U the site that sold us the Euro pass (The first class in Germany does not make any difference, but in France they give you really good treatment and two lunches in a four hour ride with wine, coffee and desert). My hotel in Paris is located close to the Molin Roudge and our closest train station is 10 min away. The city is alive and full of lights, which is probably why they call it "The city of lights". So far, I have not complains about the French. I have to be honest, I came here with a mind set that these people are Ass......(U know what) but so far it is not true. We were lost yesterday looking for our hotel and a very nice 30 something French lady stop and asked us if we were lost. She looked at our address and directed us to where we wanted to go. I was really surprised and all my ideas about these people disappear at that moment. I am sure I will find one or two, but so far, they are really nice or I should really say they are like any people from any big city.

We went to the Eiffel Tower yesterday, I pretended to Aimee that it was not a big deal and it was just a whole bunch of metal put together.The truth of the matter is that it is an spectacular piece of architecture. It really is beautiful and when it lights up at night is it is even better. It is truth romantic to be under its shadow. A few steps of the tower, there is a park where young people gather to talk, eat, play soccer, drink wine, hang out, etc, about 1000 of them I calculate. It is really cool because that is something that in a smaller scale it happens in Austin. I plan to buy a bottle of red wine and go to the park tonight to look at the tower light up. It should be fun.

Anyway, we have more French stuff to see before the games come back on Friday. So for now, I will say "merci beaucop" for reading this blog.


  1. ooooh....your trip sounds so lovely so far! enjoy paris!

  2. Happy Burfday puto! And tell those french "que se pueden ir mucho ala V!" Pinches culeros...Viva el Cinco de Mayo!

  3. Que chevere chicos me encanto leer que estan en Paris!!!! Cuidense mucho y me cuentan luego con más calma........!!!!!

    Los Quiere,
